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Virtual Fertility Services

Our virtual fertility services provide a manageable approach to improve odds of pregnancy using the latest evidence-based guidance. Two strategic programs were designed with your needs in mind. 

This program is for you if:

women with negative pregnancy test wondering what her options are next
  • You have been trying to conceive for months without success.

  • You need specific guidance on how to improve parameters naturally: egg and sperm quality, embryo quality, uterine lining health, and ovulation promotion.

  • You have any of the following conditions: irregular cycles, missing periods, low or high AMH, low progesterone in your luteal phase.

  • You want guidance on hormone interpretation.

  • You feel overwhelmed with all the conflicting information available on the internet.

  • You want to optimize fertility naturally before considering treatment.

  • You want support from a fertility expert with a clinical background.

  • You are emotionally overwhelmed and feel isolated in the process.

  • You have spent a lot of money on other methods  (tests, treatments, kits, and supplements) without really knowing if they are impacting your fertility.

Virtual Fertility Programs

Chose from the options below

Woman learning about fertility using an online program

Self-Guided Program: Paced to Your Preference

Six Training Videos to Watch on Your Own Timeline

Nine Modules to Supplement Training and Videos

Women engaged with laptop during a fertility consultation

Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions via Zoom

Biomarker and Hormone  Analysis

Customized Nutrition Plan

Supplement Inventory Intake and Recommendations

Body Literacy for Fertility

Self Paced Program

Body Literacy for Fertility is a great option if you are seeking guidance at your own pace, and want a strategic approach to increasing your chances of pregnancy.  This program offers step-by-step guidance if the form of modules and videos.  Topics covered include:

Nine Modules

Six Videos

Module 1: Biomarker Analysis for Fertility
Module 2: Balance Your Hormones to Achieve Pregnancy
Module 3: Fertile Plate: Prime Nutrition for Conception

Module 4: Supplement Support: Key Fertility Nutrients
Module 5: Ultimate Guide to Men’s Preconception
Module 6: Functional Tests: Labs to Consider

Module 7: Eastern Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbs, and Yoga
Module 8: Western Medicine: Screening, Tests, and Procedures
Module 9: Early Pregnancy Management

Video 1: Body Literacy: Hormones and Biomarkers
Video 2: Functional Nutrition for Fertility
Video 3: Supplements: Optional vs. Non-Negotiable

Video 4: Tactics to Improve Hormonal Balance
Video 5: Taking Charge: Men’s Guide to Fertility
Video 6: Integrative Approach: Eastern vs. Western Treatments

Body Literacy for Fertility

Self Paced Program

Nine Modules

Part 1

women looking at a cell phone and tracking her hormones on an app
Module 1: Biomarker Analysis for Fertility

Body literacy is obtained through biomarkers, which are powerful tools for your reproductive health. Becoming body literate requires minimal training in the beginning, but once a habit, it will give you critical insight into your fertility status. 

Module 2: Balance Your Hormones to Achieve Pregnancy

Learn about reproductive hormones and tackling conditions such as:

  • Estrogen dominance

  • Luteal phase defects

Gain fertility-promoting techniques for addressing underlying conditions including: 

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Irregular cycle

  • Practical strategies to optimize estrogen and progesterone levels

Module 3: Fertile Plate: Prime Nutrition for Conception

Feel empowered and gain crucial insights on fertility nutrition by knowing:

  • Top 10 fertility superfoods and the amount to eat per week or day

  • Eighteen specific nutrients to promote:

    • Egg quality

    • Embryo implantation

    • Uterine lining thickness

    • Ovarian reserve

    • Oxidate stress reduction

    • Hormonal balance

  • How to recognize nutrient absorption issues (without lab testing) and methods to maximize nutrient absorption

  • Reference chart with fertility nutrients and food sources
  • EWG food source guidelines to reduce toxin exposure

fertility promoting foods on a plate
woman checking the bottle of a prenatal vitamin

Module 4: Supplement Support: Key Fertility Nutrients

Some key nutrients are hard to obtain via food alone. When it comes to supplements, there are certain ones that are non-negotiable, and some you can cherry-pick based on condition or symptoms. Learn about nutrient doses to look for in your supplements that are optimal levels for fertility. 

  • Criteria to pick fertility supplements and prenatal vitamins

  • Optimal daily intake (ODI) dosages to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of nutrients

  • Dosing guide so you know how much of each nutrient should be consumed

Module 5: Ultimate Guide to Men’s Preconception

Preconception health is a shared responsibility. Prioritizing men's fertility health is a crucial aspect of family planning.

This module reviews:

  • Normal Sperm Parameters

  • Men's Health Evaluation

  • Male Hormones

  • Advanced Testing: Sperm DNA Fragmentation

  • Tips for Improving Men's Preconception Health

  • Conditions to Consider

young father holding a newborn
blood work order form with vial of blood

Module 6: Functional Tests: Labs to Consider

Lab levels can vary based on normal range vs. optimal range. These levels are subject to interpretation by the healthcare provider ordering the test. Functional levels can be very specific for fertility, which are peak levels to promote pregnancy.  Use our guide to learn about specific tests and ideal levels for fertility. 

Module 7: Eastern Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbs, and Yoga

Eastern medicine marries ancient wisdom with modern science. Learn how to screen an acupuncturist and what to look for in herbs to promote fertility. 

Module 8: Western Medicine: Screening, Tests, and Procedures

If your timeline to start a family is compromised, learn about treatment options, including how to screen and find a fertility doctor based on objective data, how to prepare for your first fertility appointment, and the difference in outcomes for common procedures such as  IUI, IVF, and FET.

woman getting a fertility evaluation with a doctor
young pregnant woman on a beach

Module 9: Early Pregnancy Management

The first trimester can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking phase of your pregnancy. Understanding what to expect during this time provides you with a sense of confidence and will alleviate anxiety.


With knowledge comes the ability to make informed decisions and seek appropriate medical care, ensuring the well-being of both you and your growing baby. By being aware of what lies ahead, you can embrace this phase of life with confidence and serenity.

Body Literacy for Fertility

Self Paced Program

Part 2

Six Videos

group of young women in their prime fertility

Video 1: Body Literacy: Hormones and Biomarkers

Learn what your hormone levels mean, and correlate them with natural biomarkers.  Tracking your hormones and natural biomarkers is crucial in your fertility journey. While it may require time, consistency, and practice, the benefits are immeasurable.

woman eating healthy to get pregnant

Video 2: Functional Nutrition for Fertility

Functional nutrition and treating food as medicine, learn how to regulate your reproductive hormones in the most holistic method. 

supplements that promote fertility

Video 3: Supplements: Optional vs. Non-Negotiable

Don't be fooled by social media marketing.  Not all fertility supplements and prenatal vitamins are created equally.  You do not need to take every supplement under the sun.  Learn which supplements you should take to optimize fertility, and which are optional.

Taking Charge Men's Guide to Fertility.jpg

Video 5: Taking Charge: Men’s Guide to Fertility

Men make up half the equation, so it makes sense that 50% of infertility cases have to deal with male factor.  Learn the ins and outs of male fertility, hormones, sperm parameters, and tactics to improve overall quality. 

happy pregnant woman

Video 4: Tactics to Improve Hormonal Balance

Hormonal balance is critical for maintaining monthly cycles, consistent ovulation, and increasing the chances of pregnancy. Identifying a hormonal imbalance guides whether further evaluation is needed.  

Integrative Approach Eastern vs. Western Fertility Treatment.jpg

Video 6: Integrative Approach: Eastern vs. Western Treatments

Learn the pros and cons on the myriad of fertility treatment options, whether that is using Eastern or Western Medicine.  

Body Literacy for Fertility

Self Paced Program

One Time Payment of $450

  • Lifetime Access (no monthly fees like other programs)

  • Self-Guided Program: Paced to Your Preference

  • Six Training Videos to Watch on Your Own Timeline

  • Nine Modules to Supplement Training and Videos

  • Science-based guidance founded on the latest research

  • Unlimited email access to ask questions regarding content

Let's Meet Virtually

Fertility Fundamentals

1:1 Coaching Program

Eight weekly Sessions

Everyone’s fertility journey is unique. I provide individual, customized modules. Eight core modules will be covered once a week. Each weekly module will be 1:1 and cover various topics tailored to your needs. Modules will be done via Zoom. Once you enroll, you can access my calendar to book once-a-week sessions for eight weeks. If you want to consolidate your sessions, we can schedule twice-a-week sessions for four weeks. Sessions are paced to your preference, and will be 30-60 minutes long, depending on what module we cover that week.


Below are the modules covered during our weekly 1:1 sessions. Based on what we discussed during our first session, this may be tweaked and more customized to your needs.

  • Considerations for Conception: Thorough Intake with Baseline Recommendations

  • Hormone Evaluation and Correlation with Natural Biomarkers

  • Fertility-Promoting Nutrition Customized to Condition: Infertility, PCOS, Endometriosis, Low Progesterone, Irregular Cycles

  • Supplement Support: Thorough Inventory of Nutrient Intake and Recommendations

  • Functional Tests and Labs to Consider: Direct Access Testing

  • Men’s Preconception Health: Assessment and Recommendations

  • Eastern Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbs, Meditation, and Yoga

  • Western Medicine: Why a Fertility Doctor will be Worthwhile even if you do not want to do IVF

Biomarker and Hormone Analyzer

Tracking your hormones and natural biomarkers is crucial in your fertility journey. While it may require time, consistency, and practice, the benefits are immeasurable. Since you can't put a price on the result. I will guide you through these critical steps, let you know if your hormone parameters are within normal range, and correlate this information with your natural biomarkers. I will also help you identify red flags and recommend regulating key parameters if they are not within normal range.  I have experience with the Mira Monitor (hormone analyzer); however, I am very adaptable if you already use another device to track your hormones. 


Please note that if you prefer not to track your hormones, I can still help you! Charting biomarkers should be guided so you do it correctly. I recommend tracking via an app, but the paper method is also acceptable. 


Nutritional Considerations

I am an experienced fertility nurse and certified nutrition specialist. My cornerstone to fertility promotion is nutrition, specifically consuming foods first and supplements second. I cover nutrition within the first two weeks of our sessions. My approach is functional nutrition and prescriptive meal plans to improve egg, sperm, and embryo quality and achieve hormonal balance and uterine lining health.


Some nutrients are hard to obtain through food alone. I conduct a thorough supplement intake and recommend adding or switching based on what you are currently taking. Not all supplements are created equal. I consider critical aspects such as third-party verification and ODI dosing.



I want to be as transparent as possible about the investment. Besides the fertility package, there might be some additional out-of-pocket costs. These are mere suggestions and certainly not requirements to purchase or pursue. Part of my recommendations may include purchasing the following:


  • Ovulation Prediction Device

    • Mira is preferred, but if you are using Proov or Oova, I can work with them as well.

  • Sperm Analysis Kit

    • There are several on the market and I can guide you with recommendations.

  • Supplements

    • I am usually ok with the vitamins you are taking. However, I might recommend you add some additional supplements if I believe they are missing or the dosing is not adequate.

  • Functional Tests

    • Not always necessary, but might provide insight based on our discussion.

  • Further Evaluation with Fertility Expert: Eastern or Western Medicine

    • I encourage either, both, or none, depending on your circumstances.

Fertility Fundamentals

1:1 Coaching Program

8-Week Fertility Optimization Program

One Time Payment of $950

  • ​Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions (with Jessica) via Zoom Video

  • Customized Nutrition Plan

  • Supplement Inventory Intake and Recommendations

  • Biomarker and Hormone  Analysis

  • Unlimited Email Correspondence​

Body Literacy for Fertility was created after realizing a desire from my clients who needed more than a one-hour session could provide.  This program was created based on my years of training, education, certifications, and research. 

Credentials and Training

Jessica Joseph, RN, BSN, MHA professional headshot photograph

Jessica Joseph, RN, BSN, MHA

Fertility Consultant

Nutrition Specialist

Hormone Health Coach

I bring a unique blend of expertise and empathy to ensure every patient feels understood, valued, and empowered throughout their fertility journey. 



  • ASRM Certification in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI-RN)

  • ANCC Certification in Integrative Health and Functional Nutrition

  • Marquette Model Certification in Natural Family Planning (NFP)

  • Hormone Health Coach (Mira Fertility): help women track hormones in both regular & irregular cycles & pinpoint fertile windows using the Mira Monitor

  • Women's Health Writer for Fertility Outloud

  • Specialized training in third-party reproduction: sperm donation, egg donation,  and gestational surrogacy

  • Fertility nurse with over a decade of experience guiding patients through there IVF and IUI cycles

  • Licensed RN with a Master’s Degree in Health Administration


"Jessica provided simple steps as to what I should be doing (and not doing), and she is very knowledgeable on holistic fertility.  She provided excellent resources, and I loved her “organic” approach. She did not push treatment, as she knew I was not ready.  She gave me explicit steps as to how I can track my own hormones, and I felt very empowered after I consulted with her. "

Tammy L. 

"I was petrified of fertility treatment, based on what my best friend went through.  Jessica alleviated my fears and encouraged further testing.  She told me the proper tests to inquire about with my fertility center, and I feel great having her by my side. Even though the fertility nurses at my center are good, they are spread very thin.  Jessica had confidence in my fertility team and motivated me to stick with the plan, and assured me that everything I was experiencing was normal."

Amelia S.

"My partner and I did not know where to begin.  Jessica guided us in the right direction and her experience working with donors and surrogates is immense.  She provided us with key details regarding how to screen agencies and fertility centers. She also gave us a clear expectation as to timeline and medical appointments for all parties involved including us."

Miles & Peter R.

"I am a highly anxious person, Jessica put my mind at ease.  I was clueless when it came to knowing my own fertility health, a part of me was overwhelmed with all the forums and endless options. Jessica took the guesswork out of a lot of the suggestions that were made to me via friends, family, forums, you name it! She made sure I was fixated on what I actually needed to do, and I have more direction and optimism thanks to her."

Kiran S. 

"We were at our wits' end until we connected with Jessica.  My husband and I were not seeing eye-to-eye as to which approach to take.  Jessica told us about several options and how to narrow down the possibilities.  As we are waiting for our insurance plan to change (and cover fertility), she suggested some great tools we can try out at home for ovulation testing and sperm testing, and even supplements we should look into."

Olivia  & Jake T.

Jessica backed up all her suggestions with the science behind everything.  Her experience as a fertility nurse gave me some insight as to what to expect (if I were to take that route).  She also told me I could try a few things independently (sperm banks, home insemination) before seeking treatment.  As a single person desiring to be a mom, it’s hard to find support and encouragement. I’m glad I booked a session with her and I hope we stay connected through my journey."

Romika S. 

Curious but Not Sure?


If you need clarification on whether 1:1 coaching is right for you, let's book a connection call. This will be a free 10-minute 1:1 video where you can learn more about me and see if we are a good fit. I am not pushy; I do this because I love helping women and couples reach their fertility goals. If I hear anything that warrants further evaluation and my modules might not be helpful (just yet), I will make that recommendation instead.


I also work in tandem with clients undergoing fertility treatment, as whether you are trying to conceive naturally or via fertility treatments, it is important to be physically and mentally prepared. I am well-versed in fertility treatments as well.

Option 1

Book 1:1 Connection Call

An email will be sent with a booking link to schedule 1:1 Zoom call.

Option 2

Send an Email

If you prefer not to schedule a video call but have questions you want answered, please feel free to email your questions directly to Jessica.


Email address:

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